Salesforce Trailhead學習筆記(七)
Reports & Dashboards for Lightning Experience

Grace Ho
4 min readJul 12, 2021


來到Admin Beginner的最後一個Module:Reports & Dashboards for Lightning Experience,把它完成吧!

What is a report?

In its simplest form, a report is a list of records (like opportunities or accounts) that meet the criteria you define. But reports are much more than simple lists. To get the data you need, you can filter, group, and do math on records. You can even display them graphically in a chart!

What is a dashboard?

A dashboard is a visual display of key metrics and trends for records in your org. The relationship between a dashboard component and report is 1:1; for each dashboard component, there is a single source report.

What is a report type?

A report type is like a template that makes reporting easier. The report type determines which fields and records are available for use when creating a report. This is based on the relationships between a primary object and its related objects.


( 一) Challenge: Create a report to show leads

  1. 在App Launcher裡搜尋Reports->New Report。

2. 選擇Report Type。

3. 依照題目要求設定Filter。

4. 選擇你要的Field。

5. 按Save&Run。

6. 就會出現你設定好的Report結果。

(二) Challenge: Create a report to show cases

Use Report Formats

  • Tabular reports:Tabular reports are the simplest and fastest way to look at your data. Similar to a spreadsheet, they consist simply of an ordered set of fields in columns, with each matching record listed in a row.
  • Summary Reports:Summary reports are similar to tabular reports, but also allow you to group rows of data, view subtotals, and create charts.
  • Matrix Reports:Matrix reports allow you to group records both by row and by column. These reports are the most time-consuming to set up, but they also provide the most detailed view of our data.
  1. 新增一個report後,設定Filters、Outlines(Group Rows)。

(三) Challenge: Create an opportunities report and add it to a dashboard

  • Dynamic Dashboards: Choose Who People View a Dashboard As. With dynamic dashboards, each user sees the data they have access to without needing to create separate dashboards for each user.
  • Report Chart:allow you to place a single chart right at the top of your report, so that when you view the report, you can see the chart and the report results in one view.
  1. 新增Dashboard並命名。

2. 新增Component,選擇Report。

3. 選擇Chart類型。

4. 按Save->Done。

(四) Challenge: Install, copy, and customize a dashboard

  1. 安裝Package:04t500000000YYSAA2。

2. 將1-Account, Contact & Opportunity Data Quality另存成My Account and Contact Dashboard。

3. 修改My Account and Contact Dashboard的Filter。

4. 按Save->Done。

這次學習的Admin Beginner系列到這裡就結束啦~



