Salesforce Trailhead學習筆記(三) Data Modeling

Grace Ho
3 min readJul 7, 2021


7/7今日接續Admin Beginner系列,學習第二個module:Data Modeling。


Data Model:It’s a way to model what database tables look like in a way that makes sense to humans.

  • 資料庫表格(對象): objects,可創建自定義custom object。
  • 表格的欄: fields,可創建自定義custom field。

每個field都有自己的 data type,像是Checkbox、Date、DateTime、Formula。自定義field的field name colum會顯示XXX__c,"__c"表示特定field是自定義field。

  • 表格的列: records

(一) Challenge1:Build a custom Offer object


Create a custom object:

  1. 進到Setup裡的Object Manager,按Create->Customer Object。

2. 依照題目要求輸入資訊,按Save。

3. 成功新稱Object — Offer。

Create a custom currency field on the Offer object:

  1. 在Offer Object裡按Fields&Relationships,再按New。

2. Data Type選Currency->Next。

3. 依照題目要求輸入資訊,按Next->Next->Save。

Create a custom date field on the Offer object:步驟同上。

*註:Create a Record:在Sales App裡找到Obect,按New新增一筆record。

(二) Challenge2:Create relationships for the Offer object

  • Lookup Relationships:the relationship between the two objects.(相互獨立的)
  • Master-Detail Relationships:one object is the master and another is the detail.(有高相關性,若其一被刪除,另一個也須被刪除)
  • Hierarchical Relationship:hierarchical relationships are a special type of lookup relationship. The main difference between the two is that hierarchical relationships are only available on the User object.

Create a custom Lookup field on the Offer object:

  1. 在Offer Obect的Fields&Relationships裡->New,選擇Lookup Relationship->Next->Next->Next->Save。

Create a custom Master-Detail field on the Offer object:步驟同上。

(三) Challenge3:Use Schema Builder to create a custom field for the Property object

  1. 按Clear All,選擇Favorite、Property、Offer。

2. 新增一個field到Property Object,從Elements拖拉Text Area到Property。

3. 依照題目要求輸入資訊。




